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How to set up Gmail for send and receive External Emails

Steps to add external email address in gmail.:

Step 1: Login to your gmail account.

Step 2: Click on “gear icon” for open setting page.

Step 3: Click on see all settings

Step 4: Now click on “accounts and import” tab

Step 5: Go to “send mail as ” and click on “add a mail” account

Step 6: Enter name and email address and click next step

Step 7: Now enter smtp server address as “” and port number “465”

username “your email address”

Paaword: your password

Step 8: Click on “add account”. it will mail you verification code in your mail.

Step 9: To check mail paste this url on your browser “”

Step 10: Now enter your login details.
email address: and password:

Step 11: Click on “roundcube” to set as default mail server.

Step 12: Now open the mail. and copy verification code.

Step 13: then go to gmail and paste the code and click verify.

Now you are able to send mail from another email address using

Now to receive email send to your email address. you need to setup as below.

Step 1: Click on “accounts and import” tab in gmail setting page.

Step 2: Go to “Check mail from other account” and click on “add a mail” account

Step 3: Enter “email address” and click “next”

Step 4: Now select import mail from other email account (POP3)

Step 5: Then click next.

Step 6: Now Enter your username(email), password, pop server address( and port number “110”.

Step 7: click on “next”

Now your mail setup is complete and you are ready to go.